For September‘s #TitlesandTunes #dramaqueen My Drama Queens are Queen Bees. And therefore their song is Honey Honey by Abba 😂 Which may be a bit light for a drama filled play list!
For September‘s #TitlesandTunes #dramaqueen My Drama Queens are Queen Bees. And therefore their song is Honey Honey by Abba 😂 Which may be a bit light for a drama filled play list!
Yes, please!
Me: It‘s nice out! I want to sit on the porch.
Bees: No.
Me: I‘ll just wait for you to go.
Bees: BZZZZ!!!
Me: 😡
So here‘s my view on this lovely day.
Here's my #startswithQ pick for #maybookflowers I have mentioned this book before but it's worth another mention - if you're interested the inter-war period this talks about six society hostesses in Britain. If you've read other books about the period you may be familiar with the names and it can be a little bit repetitive in patches if you already know some of the background but it's still a very good read.
A little repetitive here and there, but I really enjoyed it otherwise! What fascinating women!
Holed up in the cafe near work, hiding from the rain on my lunch break ☔
Evans might be talking about Nancy Astor becoming the first sitting female MP in Britain in 1919, but the idea that she had to not just be as good but BETTER than her male contemporaries is as true today as it was then.
Getting stuck into Queen Bees and I'm already feeling a thousand times more fabulous. Taking my current lack of direction as a sign that I'm actually destined to live life like the Lady Astors and Mrs Grevilles of the world👌
I was only supposed to visit the library to use the printers...
(Not pictured: the three Los Angeles and San Francisco travel guides I picked up too!)
A little bigger than I usually read on the train (because I have to haul it around all day) but I really want to read more of this. Love me some interwar history.
Interwar society queens. What is more up my street than that? (see my Gone With the Windsors obsession) My mum already has her name down for this after me...