Morning reading with Talia...🐾💛
With the library closed due to the current lockdown... I‘ve been reading what I have (I probably wouldn‘t have gotten to this one otherwise) - this was just a VERY WHOLESOME READ and just what I felt like reading - so thank you past self for borrowing it in... April?
Two teens who were friends when they were kids end up on the same team for a radio class. My fav parts were the flashbacks to the games they used to play.
Made a bit of progress for #BackwardsAtoZ - I am doing these in order, so I am a bit stuck on No T at the moment!! Purple-y highlights are February's additions.
This was a decent read but my least favorite of Mills' books. It almost felt like she had an idea but then rushed to finish it, because some of the concepts were really disjointed. The radio thing seemed like it could have been a lot more developed (especially the tie-in to the title) and the same for the side plot with Nina's sister and a few other things. A decent but not amazing read. Also a bit sad about the switch to a different cover format.