Kindle deal 1.99 USD 🎉 - maybe not everyone‘s cup of tea but I enjoyed this.
Kindle deal 1.99 USD 🎉 - maybe not everyone‘s cup of tea but I enjoyed this.
Running a little behind... still super pumped and ready to get this #24in48 accomplished 😎😅.
Yah, at this point Teju Cole has become my new favorite author.
After reading his other two books #opencity and #knownandstrangerthings I this this one is my least favorite.
Cole'd main character heads back to Nigeria for a few months and reflects back on life in Lagos as he was a boy and now.
This story feels like a continuation from Open City only with less philosophical ideas to grapple with.
3.7/5📚#everydayisforthetheif #fiction
A young man goes back to Lagos to visit, from New York, and experiences the city as neither an outsider or a resident. Bribes, foreboding, change and laughter; and the search for music, books, history and art.
This is an odd little (fiction?) book that reads as a travel memoir of Lagos. Difficult to fit into any genre, and with a beautiful sense of place. I loved it, and look forward to reading Teju Cole's other books.
The completeness of a child is the most fragile and most powerful thing in the world.
I loved this book, but then I didn't know much about Nigeria. All I knew going in was that it's a large oil producer and that people say the only way to conduct business there is to pay bribes. Knowing so little, I loved this fiction that read more like memoir, but others might have a different reaction.
Looking forward to reading this next.
Ok, totally not the kind of thief Cole meant (a proverb from Nigeria) - Sherlock is a stinky little thief (Mustela putorius furo) - but both he and this book are noteworthy and should be checked out 😎 #wndb #Nigeria #BLM #thebookishferrets #DiversityMonday
Enjoyed the book at the beginning but really felt it start to drag the last 50 pages or so. Even though it was fiction, felt like I learned something about Lagos that I didn't know before
More of a series of short memoir-like snapshots than a novel. Still a wonderful way to gain glimpses of modern Nigeria, even if you can't travel there any time soon!
"And I see with a pang that every good thing I wish for this country, I secretly wish on her behalf. Any prayer I have that the future be a good one, that the place keep from breaking, is for her sake."
Emmanuel: "It's by a young Black writer who lives in New York. He goes back to Nigeria after not having been there for a long time and shares his perspective on what it was versus what it is. I was born in Haiti and came to America as a child. Reading this story takes me back to my memories."
I don't know why I've owned this for a year without reading it.
"Lagos is a city of Scheherazades." ? book nine of the readathon!!