My TBR for January.
My TBR for January.
Beyond excited to find this one at the used bookstore today. I've been wanting to read it since it came out. A love story set in Oxford? C.S. Lewis references? So much yes!
Just got this in the mail after winning a giveaway from @LaurieTomlinson and can't wIt to get started!
Not exactly a quote. And not exactly a book. My top 10 Christian fiction reads for 2016.
I think this book definitely has an audience and that plenty of people will like it, but I have to bail after 90 pages. So much melodrama from the two main characters while have Big Secrets. But it is the presence of my absolute most hated plot device that solidifies it: poor, put-upon character who just keeps bailing out their more handsome, more popular, more successful sibling even though they despise it and whine incessantly about doing so.
I'm in a bit of a mood so I am enjoying an evening cup of coffee and a contemporary romance with a literary bent. Oxford + meet cute + trying to rediscover personal passions + Narnia fandom sounds like a fun combination.
I so enjoyed this book. A sweet, funny romance with a little bit of Narnia magic. I give it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
What's the point? Oh, Emelia, you have no idea! 😢
Starting this as it's a library Overdrive book that just became available. I hope it's good! I can't remember requesting it. #oldagestinks
These characters put down roots in my heart and refused to leave. For hours and days after, I was still thinking about them and needing to go back and revisit all my favorite bits. That doesn't happen with every story I read, so when it does? I know I've found a good one! :) It goes without saying that I recommend this story, friends.