Today's #sweatsession includes travel planning and more #selfcare work
New fav evening routine is sweating it out in the sauna with a good book. The most relaxing reading spot I've had in a long time! Learning to prioritize self care and validate my feelings
So I bought this book as a way to learn to express and use my emotions more constructively, however it is just plain making me happy to read today. I haven't got to that real learning part yet, but the first sections are just pure psychology nerd bliss, imo. Most of it isn't new info for me, but takes me back to my happy place reading all about it #psychologynerd #brenebrownrecommends
It got lost in the mail and took forever to get here, but finally have my hands on this book. Have been waiting (impatiently) for it ever since I heard him on Brene Brown's podcast. Can't wait to dive in!
How many children (and grownups) feel this way...
“Scientists didn‘t like emotions because, unlike intelligence, they can‘t be measured with standardized tests...That‘s why the study of intelligence, formalized around 1900, continued the tradition of disregarding emotions.” Fascinating stuff #teachersoflitsy
A simple reason it is difficult to understand your own emotions
I liked the idea of the focus on teaching the teachers about SEL instead of just teaching the kids. Don‘t we all need these skills?