No soda - fail - I had 2 this week. 🍷
Meditate - 4x times this week
Exercise - 1x time this week 🚲
Stretch - 1x time this week
Read - finished 4 books 📚
7. Favorite reading spot - I loved reading on the beach when I lived in Florida. Now I would say I mostly read in bed. It‘s soft and comfy. I would like to have an outdoor spot to read on the porch when the weather permits it as I love reading out of doors.
My check in for #bfc. #teamletsdothis #ididntbiteanyone
Gratitude 7/7 😊
Meditation 2/7
Soda 1
No exercise at all
Books read 6 books read for a total of 13/12
I did pull out my blank reading journal and some supplies to get started this coming week. I‘m considering this week a success since I didn‘t bite anyone. 😂
1. Reading goals
For September my reading goal is five books: Hex, Color Therapy, Bunny, The Hobbit, Lenny‘s Book of Everything.
For the rest of the year, I‘d like to read 20 more novels and finish up my Dr. Seuss challenge.