Very repetitive and not much happening. I read until the end because I wanted to know what was in the Yellow Submarine.
Very repetitive and not much happening. I read until the end because I wanted to know what was in the Yellow Submarine.
A new main character Captain Chase. Set in Virginia, she works for NASA. Her sister is missing, there are dead bodies showing up.
I've read Patricia Cornwell books since the '90s and this one will satisfy your Cornwell addiction.
Although quite a departure from Kay Scarpetta,this new character had some promise. At times the story seemed a bit weak and not the usual work that I expect from Ms. Cornwell. It was an enjoyable read. I look forward to seeing how she developes this character.
Borderline science fiction by Patricia Cornwall, includes rather a large part of medical examiner activity in the story, not much science fiction yet. I have read about half the book so far. Interesting story, some fascinating characters and technology but where is she going with it? Only one mention of any idea which could develop into science fiction so far.
Just can‘t get into this one at the moment! Want an easy read for the plane tomorrow so moving on!