A funny laugh-out-loud book. This humorous biography is a nice respite from the travails of the real world. I pick up this book to read a chapter each time I feel the need to smile once again.
A funny laugh-out-loud book. This humorous biography is a nice respite from the travails of the real world. I pick up this book to read a chapter each time I feel the need to smile once again.
One of the funniest books I have read.
I've never related to an author as much as I relate to Adam Resnick. His complete disdian for people, his fanciful threats of violence, his extremely well-orchestrated last word are all qualities I strive for. #WillNotAttend #AdamResnick #ihatepeople #donttouchme
Finally! Someone who agrees with me about Robinson Crusoe!
"If the Satanic Bible bored me to tears, Robinson Crusoe caused me to leak spinal fluid. This was a book of such paralyzing dullness that I cursed destiny for allowing Daniel Defoe to survive the Great Plague and all other crap he lived through back in sixteen-whatever-the-fuck-it-was." #WillNotAttend #AdamResnick #livelystories #detachment #isolation #RobinsonCrusoe #DanielDefoe
"A person doesn't "visit" Disney World; Disney World sucks you into its digestive tract. Like an anaconda swallowing a wild pig."
I can't wait to break this one out next time my boyfriend starts daydreaming about the future.
#willnotattend #adamresnick #livelystories #detachment #isolation #disney #disneyworld