Let's have fun with #middlegrademonday this week and share some favorite fairytale retellings! This is a humorous tale of the princes of Cinderella, Snow White, and Rapunzel trying to foil evil plots against their kingdoms.
Let's have fun with #middlegrademonday this week and share some favorite fairytale retellings! This is a humorous tale of the princes of Cinderella, Snow White, and Rapunzel trying to foil evil plots against their kingdoms.
This was such a fun middle-grade read! I‘ll be getting the rest of the series from my library once I read some of my other library books 😊 Definitely recommend if you‘re looking for a light-hearted read!
I loved absolutely everything about this fractured fairy tale!
The Princes Charming from four different fairy tales band together to take on giants, a witch, trolls, a dragon... as well as princesses, each other and, themselves!
Bronson Pinchot clearly had a great time performing the story and even though it‘s targeted to 9-12 year-olds, I can‘t wait to get to the next two books in the series!
A fun take on the fairy tales we have all grown up with! When things don‘t go the way they want it to for the princes charming adventure and hilarity ensue! I giggled my way through this and look forward to reading more of these!
I love the random illustrations in the book!! 🤓
The four Princes Charming don‘t get the “happily ever afters” you might think and instead, wind up on a hilarious adventure that reimagines the “after” of all their fairytales. The story is a lot of fun with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments, adding diverse personalities to familiar characters, and I‘m so glad I read it, thanks to the recommendation of my sister-in-law.
This is what we are here for folks. Fantasy, unlikely heroes, and an all around great time. I loved he different Prince personalities and stories. I can‘t wait to read the next one!! #youngadult
In fantasy if you save the kingdom you normally save the world. Not sure about this series because they also storm the castle and become outlaws. #savetheworld #anditsaugust
"Eyeing smugly was something the pair excelled in. They'd actually shared the title of Best Smug Eyers in their graduating class at bandit school." So enjoying this book! #januaryreads #middlegrade #herosguide
First up for #thankfullyreading weekend. A cups tea and finishing The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom.
If you have a boy, just get this audiobook now! It is hilarious and silly and the voices are great. My eight year old loves it. I think girls will love it too since the princesses in the story are pretty awesome but the princes are the stars of the show.
Stopped at the best restaurant in Connecticut yesterday (they give you FREE books with your meal) while listening to Liberty's recommendation on audio which my son is LOVING
Stopped at the best restaurant in Connecticut (the give you FREE books with your meal) while listening to Liberty's recommendation on audio which my son is LOVING
Jay: This was a good book. It was really funny and had lots of fighting. I wish there was a movie! #jayreads Me: This was a great read aloud book, with lots of language play and funny bits. The way the author flipped fairy tales on their end was entertaining and clever, and the ending wasn't predictable! We will likely pick up book 2!
From Jay's to-be-read pile (mum + kid reads) -- so far, so good. #jayreads
Completely fun middle grade book about Prince Charming. Four Princes Charming, to be exact. The book follows the misadventures of four princes from famous fairy tales and has a lot of fun with the genre. A little repetitive but overall a completely enjoyable romp and laugh out loud funny. Plus there are witches, trolls, giants, bandits, thrill-seeking princesses, dwarves, dragons, and more.
Our current bedtime read-aloud. We're big fans of fractured fairy tales!