Every time I read this book, I am reminded of how criminally underrated it is. Multiple timelines! A love story I root for with my whole heart! Terrible 2010s humor! What else do you need?? #yascifi #wherearetheothertimelineslauren
Every time I read this book, I am reminded of how criminally underrated it is. Multiple timelines! A love story I root for with my whole heart! Terrible 2010s humor! What else do you need?? #yascifi #wherearetheothertimelineslauren
This was by for one of the strangest books I have ever read. There was several times I struggled to keep reading. However, in the last section or two everything came crashing together is a very beautifully orchestrated way. I don‘t know how I would feel in their situation to constantly meet each other in different frames of time, fall in love and be torn apart.
Katherine and Matthew are destined to be born again and again century after century; and each time they fall deeply in love and then tragically separated. What must they achieve so they can be left alone in peace to stay together?
Katherine and Matthew are destined to be born again and again, century after century. Each time they are total strangers thrust together under unusual circumstances. Each time their presence changes history for the better. And each time they fall hopelessly in love, only to be tragically separated.
Why does fate keep bringing them together to save the world, and what must they achieve before they can finally be left in peace?
#TBR 📚❤️
#BirSonrakiHayatımız için #currentlyreading olsun o zaman. 😍 #kitap #kitapkurdu #edebiyat #kitapsevgisi #book #bookworm
Just finished my blog scheduling up to the end of the month, so I thought I'd treat myself by finally reading this beauty. Love a good time travel story!
#currently #reading #currentlyreading #ya #youngadult #romance #scifi #timetravel #fantasy
This is such a beautifully interwoven story. The characters are supremely sassy and witty and I love the intrigue and the end: definitely need to read book 2 now!
I desperately wanted to like this book. The premise is excellent, it's easy to follow the shifting timeline because of the use of different fonts (and the arrow at the top of the page), and it's well researched. But. But. There is a but. The execution just didn't do it for me. The writing was a bit clunky and a bit too 'tell'. I felt like I was reading the draft before the final edit.
I'd heard really good things about this book, but I confess I'm struggling. The writing isn't quite doing it for me - it feels quite clunky, mainly in the dialogue. Still, I'll persevere...
I've got this lined up after Gemina, and I've heard good things!
3.5 stars! I just didn't love this book as much as I hoped. I think I read better time travelling books... But what I loved about this was the cover! Absolutely gorgeous and Kate with Matt were also very lovely and full of humour. Still want to read the next book in duology, hope It'll be more better🙃
#thenexttogether #laurenjames #ya #octread #timetravel #romance
"What is this life and why is it doing it to me in particular."
#thenexttogether #laurenjames #currentlyreading #quotes
Currently reading this beauty, another time travelling book about Katherine and Matthew who are destined to be born again and again. Every time they fall in love and are tragically separated. But maybe now it will be different...
#thenexttogether #laurenjames #currentlyreading #ya #timetravel #romance
When you're a nighter, you just read at 3AM as if it's the middle of the day. And what is better than a reborn story ?