Stark Raving Naked | Richmond Lewis
Seven years ago, Louis Beane grabbed his dog, left his wife (ok, she left him-quibbling!) and fled his old life in New England to start fresh in the sunny old South. Becoming quickly bored with his new job as a reporter for a small North Florida newspaper, he starts to imagine that there is more to the local Hunter College opening than meets the eye. Or maybe he's just drunk. Whatever. Lewis' neighbors, Nik and Peter, being the good friends they are, ignore his gigantic investigative incompetence and decide to help his stumbling research into the Hunter school's funding sources. Shockingly, it works, and they come upon evidence of a hidden, ugly chapter of the community they now call home. Oh, s%*t. The fallout from their inquisitive muckraking begins to echo throughout the town, upsetting certain citizens and forcing them to take matters into their own hands. Faced down by Molotov-cocktail wielding townsfolk, rioting naked students, and an on-the-loose, unrepentant murderer, Lewis remains committed to revealing the town's sordid past as everyone around him goes Stark Raving Naked.