I loved this book! I like the character Sarah put into this book. in this book I can totally relate to Apple and Rain. 😍
I loved this book! I like the character Sarah put into this book. in this book I can totally relate to Apple and Rain. 😍
When Apple's mother returns after eleven years away, Apple feels whole again. But just like the stormy Christmas Eve when she left, her mother's homecoming is bittersweet. It's only when Apple meets someone more lost than she is that she begins to see things as they really are.
A story about sad endings.
A story about happy beginnings.
A story to make you realise who is special.
#apple #fallisbooked
Apple and granola cereal + apple&rain 😉
Fresh fruit in granola is the best! 💕
Letztendlich war es ein durchschnittliches Buch.
Einige Charaktere konnten sich in mein Herz schleichen, auch wenn ich mir gewünscht hätte, dass sie besser ausgearbeitet wurden.
Die Probleme die das Buch behandelt sind keine 0815 Probleme, die sich mit Liebeskummer und Co, sondern sind viel tiefgreifender.
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"Poetry can teach us about ourselves. It can comfort us when we are in despair. It can bring joy. But not only that... It can open us up. It can make our worlds bigger and brighter and clearer..."