The more I read this series, the more I like it! This one gets you deeper into the main character while also providing little doses of philosophical wonderings. Great for a rainy fall day.
The more I read this series, the more I like it! This one gets you deeper into the main character while also providing little doses of philosophical wonderings. Great for a rainy fall day.
This is the 2nd in the Isabel Dalhousie mystery series, and I use the word “mystery” loosely. This was a let down from the first book in the series. I‘m willing to continue with these books, though, because I love the descriptions of Scotland and Edinburgh. I do really like the characters, but Isabel‘s internal philosophizing can become a little trying. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Having a certain reputation occasionally reaps random rewards. 😅
A coworker gave me this today saying “you like books, right?” - they didn‘t have any other reason for giving this to me (and they haven‘t even read it themselves so it wasn‘t like they were recommending it). Still, a nice surprise!
Anyone read this? Ok to read without reading any of the other books in the series?
Yesterday, my love and I decided to take the day off and enjoy each other‘s company. A lunch date, a little shopping, and an hour or two of reading at our favourite café, it was the perfect day off! One of the things I love the most is that we‘re both avid readers. Whilst I immersed myself in an Isabel Dalhousie novel, he was making his way through an Ursula Le Quin. I think the idea of skiving off on occasion has become quite appealing.
This month, I‘ll be reading my way through Scottish books with a group of friends. All of us have a love of this beautiful country. One, book I‘m particularly excited about, is the book pictured above. I adore Isabel Dalhousie‘s sleuthing, and penchant for philosophical musings, especially when they are all set in Edinburgh Scotland, a favourite city of mine.
If you‘d like to join along, use the hashtag #readscotland (here on Litsy and on IG).
I'd be lying if I said I didn't pick this book up at the secondhand store just because it mentioned chocolate.... what I didn't realise was that it had been signed by the author inside the front cover! 📚
This was a bit of a so-so book for me. It's a mystery but it was just missing that punch. I read it through to the end, but it'll be going on the donate pile! 😔
Unfortunately it's not my cup of tea. I felt I was reading/ watching a Diva channel of Murder she wrote.
Day #29 #FoodieFiction #ReadJanuary There's not a lot of food in this quiet series, but some of it does take place in a delicatessen, and this title seemed fitting.
This is labeled mystery, but that's almost taking it too far. McCall Smith is more subtle than that and I think fans of Ladies Detective Agency and the Scotland Street novels appreciate this. For me, the second installment of Isabel Dalhousie was definitely a step up and I am glad I gave it another go, even though the first book was just a so-so for me.
Had a nice walk with the pooches and Isabel Dalhousie.