This one is definitely going in my permanent collection. I feel like I could read this repeatedly and get something new from it every time. ❤️
This one is definitely going in my permanent collection. I feel like I could read this repeatedly and get something new from it every time. ❤️
It's totally normal to take a Kindle + 2 physical books on vacation, right? 📚✈️
A little morning nourishment for body and soul. I was supposed to go to an event this morning but I put in about 14 hours of work yesterday, so felt like a relaxed morning was in order. ☀️❤📚☕️
Catching up on #marchintoreading ... here is my current #TBR. I will likely read more than this just because I am going on vacation, but I probably won't decide on my next books until these are finished. I figured Behind Her Eyes would be a good airplane read. ✈️ 📚