Relaxing Day off. Decided to try some poetry this morning with my latte.
Relaxing Day off. Decided to try some poetry this morning with my latte.
So far… hilarious. But I‘m a Shakespeare nerd and music 🎼 🎶 🎵 lover.
Probably the best thing I‘ve ever wasted money on. 😂
These make me SO happy!
This book is everything! It's hilarious and brilliant at the same time. If you love Shakespeare and music, this is a fun one. Best way to read this is aloud.
This is so fun! #shakespearelove 😆🤓
I went to the grand opening of a local used book store, and this is my haul! 😍😍😍
A sonnet has #14 lines.
This re-working of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in sonnet form is from the Tumblr Pop Sonnets. He does lots of songs and they're all quite good.
#fourteen #novemberbythenumbers @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
This is pretty awesome!
I really don't use bookmarks - but I have this one that came with Pop Sonnets. Looked around for more, but this definitely seems to be my only bookmark right now. Sorry #booktober !
Finally made it over to the Maryland Renaissance Fair's booksellers, Page After Page. This book hit several of my buttons - Shakespeare, music lyrics, and parodies - so it HAD to come home with me. It's AMAZING. Next weekend they're doing readings from it at the booth! I also discovered there's a tumblr! http://popsonnet.tumblr.com has many more sonnets that aren't in the book. Lovely book, lovely booksellers. #shakespeare #popsonnets
Absolutely loved this book of pop song inspired sonnets. Would make an ideal gift for any Shakespeare fans. I am in awe of the sonnet skills of this author!
Last one, I promise!
Some of these sonnets are hilarious!
This book would make a great little gift for anyone who likes Shakespeare!
Looking for a fun gift for a friend or family member who enjoys a little Shakespeare but isn't afraid to admit that she listens to Taylor Swift? "Pop Sonnets: Shakespearean Spins on Your Favorite Songs" by Erik Didriksen reimagines 100 pop songs as Shakespearean sonnets.
Happy birthday tribute to Shakespeare, from POP SONNETS author Erik Didriksen!
Happy World Poetry Day! We're celebrating with some Shakespearean spins on our favorite pop songs! Check out Pop Sonnets!