Finished this earlier last week it was a quick listen and another really cute story of Ms Betsy Taylor Vampire Queen :)
#ParanormalLoveCrew (#PLC)
@AkashaVampie @Bookworm54 @jb72 @AsYouWish @Mrs_B
Finished this earlier last week it was a quick listen and another really cute story of Ms Betsy Taylor Vampire Queen :)
#ParanormalLoveCrew (#PLC)
@AkashaVampie @Bookworm54 @jb72 @AsYouWish @Mrs_B
Another fun installment in the adventures of Betsy Taylor, Vampire Queen. I recommend the audio. 🌑🌑🌑🌑
Maybe another series I'll have to start? I wonder if it's any good... #LibraryWishlist
Have any of my fellow Littens read this book? Recommend?
Couldn't pass on this ! #unpopularopinionsbooktag ?
1. 1984, Simon Vs THSA
2. Divergent series
3. The vampire diaries , Stefan ?
4. Crime/mystery
5. Tris, I absolutely adored her , my strong lil gal
6. John Green actually , I've only loved about 2 of his books and I've bailed on a couple. But he's still a fav
7. "You were born to do this" kind of character ?
8. Twilight
9. Brooklyn , 13 reasons why
Why are these always so fun?!?!?
1. The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry
2. Pretty much any cozy mystery series. I know other people also love them but my mystery book club won't read them.
3. I haven't read the last book yet so I may be wrong but The Darkling 😍
4. YA fantasy. I like it but rarely read it
5. Hagrid
6. Paula Hawkins
7. Strong female only meaning physically tough
8. 50 Shades of Grey
9. The Devil Wears Prada