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The Confession Club
The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
18 posts | 37 read | 29 to read
In a captivating novel from the bestselling author of The Story of Arthur Truluv, a group of women in Mason, Missouri discover that best friends are made by sharing secrets. It all started as a supper club, a group gathering monthly to share homemade dinners, until the night one woman made a startling revelation. After that, the "Confession Club" decided to meet weekly to feast not only on dinner, but on admissions of misdeeds, embarrassments, and insecurities. When Iris Winters and Maddy Harris are invited to the club, they find that it's just what each of them needs. Iris hasn't yet told anyone about the unlikely man who has captured her attention, and Maddy has come back home to escape a problem too big for her to confront. The Confession Club is a heartwarming and illuminating book about women, friendship, and how sharing the secrets we're afraid of revealing can actually bring us closer.
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The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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A group of small town women meet weekly to eat good food, confess their sins, and support each other. This was a good, heartwarming story. The dialogue felt real, such as how the ladies often interrupted each other during their confessions. The only downside was that I found one of the main story lines to be a little unbelievable. Even so, I enjoyed this book and would definitely read more by this author.

JamieArc I attended a writer‘s workshop hosted by this author. She is a lovely human being. I enjoy her books. 3y
cinda.marie @JamieArc Sounds like fun. She has so many books! I‘m looking forward to reading more of her stories. 3y
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The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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Yep, that‘s true. I look up every time. 🌧

The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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Each week, over dinner, dessert & wine, a group of women meet to confess their sins, hopes, & to share their lives. Within this backdrop in a small US town, two of the women‘s lives and stories develop & are highlighted. This was well written, heart warming and funny. A cozy read that is a little more than a cozy read. Delightful with each word. I will look for more of Elizabeth Berg‘s writing. 4/5.

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The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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I‘m bailing on this one. I‘m at 70% so part of me is tempted to finish, but I‘m bored. This is a sweet story about relationships in a sleepy town. The plot, such as it as, clearly isn‘t going anywhere, and I‘m not really invested in any of the characters. The writing is fine, but is nothing special to hold me, so I think it‘s time to move on. On the plus side I‘m making process on my #bookspinbingo board! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks I hate it when I'm better than halfway through a book and just am over it haha Great progress on your bingo board!! 4y
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The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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Book 116

Book 116 I usually love Berg's writing; her characters are so rich and their relationships are incredibly complex. This novel was flat in comparison; the characters didn't exist much outside of their monthly dinners. It read more like a list of only mildly interesting confessions. The Confession Club is a first draft in need of development.

The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Love this easy series.

The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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The Confession Club is a wonderful story about a group of women who get together to share food & take turns making confessions. From minor to major, embarrassing to thought provoking. Nothing is off limits! The group members ages span 6 decades. A story of finding ones self, reinvention, risks, trust, forgiveness, faith, friendship, and falling in love ❤
I confess, I enjoyed this book, fell in love (more in comments)

TheHeartlandBookFairy I confess, I enjoyed this book, fell in love with the quirky characters, and am looking forward to reading more from Elizabeth Berg ☺️ 4y
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The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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I cannot settle on a book lately. This wasn‘t bad at all; in fact I really liked it at first. Unfortunately the PTSD storyline wasn‘t working for my current mood and I decided that there was no need to power through this if I didn‘t feel it. Being so picky right now. I would have preferred a book less about Iris and Maddy and more about all the ladies in the club.

Hestapleton Anxiety is making me flighty and picky too; you aren‘t alone! The best thing we can do now is read stuff that makes us feel a little bit better. 5y
Zelma @Hestapleton agreed. I am debating a reread right. At least I know what I would get going into it. 5y
LiteraryinPA I‘ve been unusually picky these days too! I actually just placed an order of a bunch of middle grade and YA books from my indie bookstore (they are closed to the public but still shipping orders). I am gravitating towards non-mystery/thrillers and non-really depressing books lately. @Zelma @Hestapleton 5y
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Zelma @LiteraryinLititz middle grade might fit the bill perfectly right now. I want not-too-dark and also no romance (my divorce is throwing a wrench in my usual feel good fluff preference of romances). 5y
LiteraryinPA @Zelma Have you ever read When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead? That is the middle grade read I would most recommend for you right now. 5y
Hestapleton @LiteraryinLititz @Zelma I‘ve been rereading Harry Potter and reading a lot of YA Fantasy! It helps to read stuff that has no relationship to what I‘m experiencing. I‘ve been chipping away at a short story collection which is good for when I‘m really easily distracted. 5y
Zelma @LiteraryinLititz I haven‘t read that one yet so thanks for the rec! It‘s on my TBR so I will try to nab a copy. 5y
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The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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A weekly gathering of women-a supper club turned confession club is the weeks highlight for this eclectic group of women. Trust and friendship binds them together, and working through their heartaches bring comfort and inspiration. Just a feel good women fiction novel-a trademark of Elizabeth Berg's writing.
@tpixie @JoanehSmith

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The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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A quick, sweet, uplifting read. Although book 3 of the series, it almost reads as a stand alone. Perfect for a light, beachy read and while slightly predictable, it was nonetheless a comforting, entertaining story about love, friendship and family. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #netgalley

MemoirsForMe Elizabeth Berg 🙌🏻! I loved the first book in this series. 5y
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The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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First read of 2020! It was chosen by my book club and although I would not have picked it I think it was the perfect book for the season. It was a fluff read to me with a cute ending. With so much going on this time of year it was an easy read

RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #litsywelcomewagon 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🥳 5y
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The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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3rd book in the series I just loved it family, friendship, love, community and a whole bunch of confessions. Go buy it today.

The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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Finishing this one up today.

The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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The idea of this book was really good, but I found myself thinking there were too many characters that I found I lost interest in a lot of the story lines. Ultimately, I still loved Iris and Maddy and that ended up being where I had the most focus.

For my full review, please visit my blog at: http://obsessedbookaholic.com/2019/11/06/the-confession-club-book-review/

The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg

This is the third book in the Mason Series. I absolutely love these books. They are so heartwarming, feel good books. There is a group of women that meet to eat and tell a secret that no-one knows about. They let two new members into the club Maddy and Iris. Maddy has just came back from New York and wants to escape to the slow moving life of the small town. Iris meets a homeless guy John and they become friends.

The Confession Club | Elizabeth Berg
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Book 105 of 2019
#arc #ebook #netgalley

tammysue A Missouri setting.. stacked 👍🏻 5y
rather_be_reading @tammysue ikr! dont see tht too often 5y
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