4.75/5 - incredibly detailed research findings and useful (and simple) takeaways.
4.75/5 - incredibly detailed research findings and useful (and simple) takeaways.
THIS is the reason why I‘m not reading enough books that make me actually happy! Instead, learning about stress (and other mental health problems!) is causing me stress! If someone could just send me more hours in the day, that would be great!! It seemed like such a good idea when I signed up. The deadline for the first submission is looming....😩
Weekend TBR: A little rereading and prep work for next week! I'm super excited that Kelly McGonigal is coming to talk at my work next week. I love the chapter in this book about how to change mind sets. Aloha Friday 🌺🤓
Can't wait to dig into this. A much needed read to help me reframe how I react to stress.
Weekend TBR: Subtitle: Why stress is good for you, and how to get good at it. I'm working on this one which pretty much sums up life these past two weeks. So far learning about mindset changes has been really useful. Aloha Friday 🌺 #DogsofLitsy
Having a bit of a stressful day, but nothing is more comforting than a cup of coffee the size of my whole head and starting a new book.
Winnie really doesn't like anything about Halloween so we are celebrating on social media instead. This book has been on my TBR for a couple months. Has anyone read it yet? 🐷👻
Can any fluent Spanish speakers confirm that there is no Spanish word for "stress" (in the sense of the word of being stressed out) that is not taken directly from the English?