In this science fiction horror, Garth Nix masterfully provokes powerful emotions from his characters, which in turn elicits an emotional take-away for the reader.
In this science fiction horror, Garth Nix masterfully provokes powerful emotions from his characters, which in turn elicits an emotional take-away for the reader.
Power came back on after almost a day. Shoveled snow for the first time in my life, not to read more of this book. Pretty action packed from the beginning!
Do you ever find that even with a whole TBR bookcase you have 'nothing to read'? Nothing much appeals then remembered I'd never read this sitting in the other bookcase #comfortauthor hoping it hits the spot after a rubbish week and some bad news 🙁
This mornings read and a cup of tea ☕️ Everyone should have an ‘I believe in unicorns‘ mug! Fun fact, I use anything I can get my hands on as a bookmark 🙈 Currently it‘s a spare plaster as that was close by when I needed a book mark, hah.
I have not read this since it came out 20 (?!) years ago but now with this beautiful signed hardcover, it's time for a reread 💕
This was the first dystopian YA I ever read and written before that genre was a thing.
I love Garth Nix.
👍 all around 💕
I completely forgot this book existed!!! My parents dropped a ton of my old books off around my house today because they're slowly trying to move all mine out of their house (it's an effort doomed to failure there are just too many 😂) Anyway this is Garth Nix's brilliant dystopia. A world where all the adults disappear and overlords take over using harvested children to play out war games. So, so good, tense, scary and thrillingly dark.