I liked the first volume better. This one read kind of disjointed like abs confused me.
I liked the first volume better. This one read kind of disjointed like abs confused me.
So excited to dig into these Jessica Jones comics. Hopefully I can restrain myself from devouring them too quickly!
#photoadaynov16 #day21 #readinginbed I adore reading in bed. I have to crack open a book every single night when I get in bed. It's my 'me time' where my son is asleep, work is over, and I finally get to relax. Problem is, I'm so relaxed I usually end up falling asleep and I never get as far as I want. I'm snuggled up with the last of my library comic haul and Chloe, the stuffed imitation of my pug niece that my son insists needs to sleep with me!
Monday blues with a sore throat and headache - that means hot chocolate in my Banned Books mug and Jessica Jones.
Found this while I was packing. Someone tell me "Don't chill and read this. PACK."