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The Lie
The Lie: A Memoir of Two Marriages, Catfishing & Coming Out | William Dameron
4 posts | 12 read | 7 to read
A candid memoir of denial, stolen identities, betrayal, faking it, and coming out. Do you know me?, the email began, sparking tremors of fear that turned into a full quake of panic when William Dameron discovered that his selfie had been stolen by strangers. On social networks and dating sites, his image and identity--a forty-year-old straight white male--had been used to hook countless women into believing in lies of love and romance. Was it all an ironic cosmic joke? Almost a decade prior, William himself had been living a lie that had lasted for more than twenty years. His secret? He was a gay man, a fact he hid from his wife and two daughters for almost as long as he had hidden it from himself. In this emotional and unflinchingly honest memoir of coming out of the closet late in life, owning up to the past, and facing the future, William Dameron confronts steroid addiction, the shame and homophobia of his childhood, the sledgehammer of secrets that slowly tore his marriage apart, and his love for a gay father of three that would once again challenge the boundaries of trust. At the true heart of The Lie is a universal story about turning self-doubt into self-acceptance and about pain, anger, and the long journey of both seeking and giving forgiveness.
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Halfway in and I love this memoir so far. I love how honest he is, even when he knows he looks bad. I feel like I can learn from that type of self awareness.

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The weight of a lie about one of your fundamental axes is crushing. Living inauthentically is closer to dying.

I felt terrible for Bill and his family. The chapters detailing his lies to his first family about his sexuality & steroid use took up most of the book. I would‘ve liked a little more detail about his healing & learning to love himself. I felt those chapters were rushed. He needed 50 more pages. I rarely say that! A solid recommend. 4⭐️

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Started this on the advice of @L_auren over on Instagram. She rated it enthralling, which is what I need!

I think I‘ve been pushing my rehab too hard tonight because I can barely concentrate due to back pain. I‘ve taken two additional Advil and half a muscle relaxer, but no luck yet!

JacqMac I hope the meds kick in for you or the book makes the pain more bearable. 5y
Megabooks @JacqMac so far the book is making the pain better! It really is enthralling! 5y
Cinfhen I picked this up recently too. Hope you get some relief 5y
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Megabooks @Cinfhen I am feeling better. I tried some NSAID cream. I‘ve just decided to try to do more walking, and three months of not getting out of bed for more than 30 minutes a day really makes you out of shape!! 5y
BarbaraBB You‘re to eager and I can understand that but do take care 💚🍀 5y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB Thanks 💞💞 I‘m just at the point of wanting my life back. Snap my fingers, maybe some magical birds will work!! 5y
Crazeedi @Megabooks slow and steady. I know the feeling of wanting to feel normal again. Hope tomorrow you have less pain and are able to do a bit more 5y
Megabooks @Crazeedi Thanks so much! It‘s freezing here today, so I don‘t know how much walking I‘ll do other than the dog! 🥶🥶 5y
Reviewsbylola I thought this one was ok. It wasn‘t as thrilling as I wanted. I hope you feel better today! 5y
Megabooks @Reviewsbylola I‘m really enjoying it so far!! A little over half in. I haven‘t been able to stay awake today!! Henry and I have been napping a lot. (edited) 5y
Reviewsbylola Naps are the best! 5y
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I don‘t generally read nonfiction, but I heard a snippet of this on the Family Secrets #podcast, so I had to pick it up - loving it so far. #nonfiction #memoir #lgbt

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