Halfway in and I love this memoir so far. I love how honest he is, even when he knows he looks bad. I feel like I can learn from that type of self awareness.
Halfway in and I love this memoir so far. I love how honest he is, even when he knows he looks bad. I feel like I can learn from that type of self awareness.
The weight of a lie about one of your fundamental axes is crushing. Living inauthentically is closer to dying.
I felt terrible for Bill and his family. The chapters detailing his lies to his first family about his sexuality & steroid use took up most of the book. I would‘ve liked a little more detail about his healing & learning to love himself. I felt those chapters were rushed. He needed 50 more pages. I rarely say that! A solid recommend. 4⭐️
Started this on the advice of @L_auren over on Instagram. She rated it enthralling, which is what I need!
I think I‘ve been pushing my rehab too hard tonight because I can barely concentrate due to back pain. I‘ve taken two additional Advil and half a muscle relaxer, but no luck yet!
I don‘t generally read nonfiction, but I heard a snippet of this on the Family Secrets #podcast, so I had to pick it up - loving it so far. #nonfiction #memoir #lgbt