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The Four Agreements Companion Book
The Four Agreements Companion Book: Using the Four Agreements to Master the Dream of Your Life | Janet Mills, Miguel Ruiz
4 posts | 5 read | 5 to read
Furthers the code of conduct for attaining personal freedom described in "The Four Agreements," explaining how to live in happiness, escape the slavery of fear, and become the master of one's own life.
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Not a spooky read but just another quick one to cleanse the palete before jumping into my October themed TBR. I was a bit disappointed in this because I liked the Four Agreements. This companion book felt almost like rereading the original with some questions and commentary thrown in. But it wasn't horrible and I did highlight a few things. Would be better for someone looking to seriously commit to the agreements and needed guided journal prompts.

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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🧡📚🧡 3y
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“The emotions that drain you come from fear; the emotions that give you energy come from love.”
A companion book to The Four Agreements, Ruiz teaches us how to commit to the agreements with practice and application. Best part was Dialogue with Ruiz in 2nd half of book.

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks @Crazeedi

Elizabeth2 Love this! I need to share this with my aunt, who will really appreciate this idea of light and positivity, and how our feelings/mindset affect us mentally. Thanks for posting! ✨ 4y
Elizabeth2 She practices Reiki, and will tell me to imagine light entering my body and filling the spaces where I am troubled - mind, heart or where I have pain. She had breast cancer over 30 years ago, and used to visualize her breast full of light and love. ❤️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 4y
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Eggs Thanks @TheAromaofBooks ❣️ 4y
Eggs @Elizabeth2 Thanks for sharing about your aunt! I‘m a BC survivor as well-14 yrs. Its a quick read, but i recommend also his first one which helps you get the most from the second 4y
Elizabeth2 @Eggs You are a warrior! 💗 I lost my mom to BC in 2012. She was 70. She never got screened (even though we urged her) and was diagnosed at Stage IV when she was 65. They gave her 12-18 mos and she lived 5 years. She was a fighter. My aunt‘s was discovered at age 45 with a mammogram. I never miss my mammograms because of that legacy. 4y
Eggs @Elizabeth2 Glad to hear you‘re keeping up with the mammos 💕💕 In our family of 9, 6 of us had cancer and 3 died from it (Dad, my brother and 1 sister). Sorry for the loss of your dear Mother❤️ 4y
Elizabeth2 @Eggs oh my goodness, I am so sorry. I just lost my dad last year (he had colon cancer but that‘s not what he died from - he had a heart attack). It is a weird space to be in, losing that second parent. I can‘t imagine losing one of my brothers. Losing a sibling must be so very difficult. Sending you love and light. (edited) 4y
Eggs I agree-very weird😞. Love and light to you as well—the brokenness is where the light gets in💕 4y
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