Picked up this book today, sounds interesting (but that might also be my migraine talking....)
Picked up this book today, sounds interesting (but that might also be my migraine talking....)
This was a cute book about friendship and relationships in general. It had some “devil wears Prada” vibes in it. I just didn‘t love any of the characters and I feel like that was important for this book. I couldn‘t relate to the way they interacted and dealt with their issues. It was cute and wrapped up well, but not my as good as I thought it would be.
She saw herself at the edge of a diving board hanging over an empty pool. She could feel the tingle in her toes, the last effervescent vertiginous moment before her feet pushed off, the board rippling 🚺
What a ride. Reminds me of offices / bosses I've had. Really strong writing, though hard to wade through at times.
It just didn't grab me. Saving for another time.
Haven't heard much about this except my sister said she was pleasantly surprised, so let's do it.
At the library for literacy tutoring and my student is running late. Of course I left my book at home... what do we know of this one, littens?
This satirical novel is witty, charming, and clever, I couldn't put it down. The characters and loveable and hate-able and you love that you can hate them. When life in your early thirties is lemons -- gather your friends and make lemonade. Definitely a quick fun read for the upcoming weekend!
Jen had never asked her mother for her privacy, and Jen's mother freely gave it to her nonetheless.
I've seen this book at the store and though, meh. Then I heard an interview with the author that peaked my interest, so I added it to my list of books to read. Then, there it was at the library, in the new book section (sometimes I luck out looking over there). This was a really good book. It was funny and ridiculous but also real.
Weekend TBR: So excited that this hold came in because I've been listening to Jessica Winters on my favorite Slate podcasts. Plus two chapters left to read from last weeks selection, Originals. Originals is a compelling set of ideas, but I think it will be a pass for the leadership book group selections. As always, Winnie is ready! Aloha Friday 🌺🌅
I picked up a few @penguinrandomhouse ARCs at conference. All were published in July or earlier in the year. (So not really advanced, but I'll take them!) Any recommendations on where to begin?
In Break in Case of Emergency, first-time novelist Jessica Winter balances an earnest, emotional exploration of her protagonist‘s personal challenges with a snarky skewering of dysfunctional office culture. The depiction of Jen‘s workplace provides the bite--the endless, fruitless meetings, the jargon, the jockeying and the suspicion that no one really knows what‘s going on are familiar elements exaggerated (one hopes) for comic effect.
2.5🌟This is 3 books, & they just didn't seem to integrate for me.
Book 1: Three friends from college, who are married & in their 30s now, try to get along in NYC.
Book 2: A woman works for a no-so-legit philanthropic organization.
Book 3: A couple struggles with fertility. (TW)
Everything about this book was just okay. Nothing really wrong, but no real spark either. I kind of slogged through the middle.
This book is just the right amount of amusing for me tonight after some rather painful dental work. ☹️ (If you've had a spinal fusion, floss even though it's painful because the cavities are worse.) 👄💸👎🏻
How do people feel about the category "women's fiction"? I don't like it because there's no corresponding "men's fiction", so does that mean the male experience is the universal experience? That's how I've always taken it. Thoughts? Pic courtesy of the US SSA website.
Look what my library was nice enough to get me! 😃📖😃📖😃 I just requested them Saturday. My library (other than its checkout policies) is simply the best! Now I have too much for the readathon lol!!