“Glub, glub, glub!”
This sure is creative.
“I do!” Said the Page when the moon shone bright, and then he pulled the plug. Glub, glub, glub!
The details of the illustrations were very good. It was very enjoyable to read because of the pictures as well.
I liked how the King just did all his responsibilities in the bath tub and then at the end the little boy ended up pulling the plug at the end. It was funny.
“glub, glub, glub” I imagine this was supposed to be the sound of the king running out of the bathtub with wet feet. (last page)
I love how in the story the youngest one is the one to solve the problem. It sends a good message to kids that they can do anything adults/anyone else can do.
This book was so funny, with amazing detailed pictures, especially the one of the king in the bathtub eating. There was a lot of good repetition/repeating in this story. The king is in the bathtub, having a good time and won‘t get out. Everyone tries different silly ways to get him out. None work, until, the Page is smart enough to pull the plug. One of my favorites!
This is a funny easy read that is just enjoyable. It is lighthearted and has a child victory in the end!
This 1986 Caldecott award winning book is about a king who is always in the bathtub. This book is funny and light hearted. The illustrations are fantastic and in the end the young child(page) overcomes and figured out how to solve the problem. I love when the hero‘s are the children!
I thought that this book was hilarious. I liked the part that whenever someone would go to the bathtub; what they wanted was there.
Caldecott and was written in 1985. This book is about king dibgood and the bathtub that he wants to stay in all day. The page tells everyone that the king won't get out and one by one the people go in to try to get him out of the bathtub. When they went to bathtub everything they wanted was there. At the end the page pulls the plug and the king finally leaves the bathtub.
My son's favorite when he was a toddler. He loved the humor and the rhythm. #kingoftheworld #characters2017
Old favorites found in Another Read Through bookstore take me down memory lane! #pdx #Getindie #bookseller #childhood #kids #nostalgia
One of the most visually stunning picture books of my childhood, is, upon revisiting with my own kid, is also one of the most, shall we say euphemistically, *open-minded* of basically everything I've ever seen. All those people in the tub together? Wowza. (Look at how the queen's dress billows; that's genius work, right there)