Very good history of a great scientist and his devoted oldest daughter who was a nun. Clears up myths etc. Much of it is in his daughter‘s letters. Quite touching in parts.
Very good history of a great scientist and his devoted oldest daughter who was a nun. Clears up myths etc. Much of it is in his daughter‘s letters. Quite touching in parts.
Will read a book l have had in my TBR list for a very long time!
This book mostly focuses on Galileo and especially his second trial under the inquisition. His daughter was a large part of his life and she wrote him hundreds of letters that have survived and that the author translated.
Sadly, the book is not actually about S.M. Celestine, but her famous father. She barely factors in and it was sad. Also the author defends the Catholic Church‘s mistreatment of Galileo with no evidence and no reason.
2/5 stars
Easier read than I expected. Dava Sobel does a great job of keeping the narrative style in this fact-heavy memoir. I learned a lot reading while reading it. One of those books where I stop every other page and ask my nearest loved one “did you know??” Did you know Galileo died a year before Isaac Newton was born??
#7days7covers Day 5. Jammed my thumb so bad. Urgent care appointment for tomorrow morning at 8:30. I‘ve met my limit. But at least it‘s not as bad as what Galileo or his daughter endured.
It's amazing what he went through, for the sake of discovery.