I hated #Gladiator, but I‘d be up for reading about a female gladiator. I like gender swaps and love it when a woman kicks some ass! Plus, the cover of this book is awesome!
Klou You hated Gladiator? Is there a specific reason why? Good choice of book! Sounds great! 5y
wideeyedreader Oh wow, I‘ve read this book! It‘s been years, but it was pretty good from what I remember! 5y
OriginalCyn620 @Klou that kinda thing just isn‘t my bag, plus I‘m not a Russell Crowe fan. My then boyfriend dragged me to the theater to see it, otherwise I wouldn‘t have watched it! 5y
Klou @OriginalCyn620 aaah okay. Well, at least you gave it a shot. 5y