These Dr. Seuss books are cute, but trying to keep the tongue-twisting flow while in a head-cold brain fog is TOUGH 😅 our whole house has it pretty bad this week 🤒🤧
These Dr. Seuss books are cute, but trying to keep the tongue-twisting flow while in a head-cold brain fog is TOUGH 😅 our whole house has it pretty bad this week 🤒🤧
No defendimos lo suficiente nuestro ser. Y ahora estamos a merced de los vientos. La libertad no tiene su valor en sí misma: hay que apreciarla por las cosas que con ella se consiguen. La desigualdad es esencial en la vida del hombre: no hay más rasero nivelador que el de la muerte....
This may be the book that turned me into an over thinker, or perhaps I just liked that it talked about all sorts of weird thinks to think about. It could have a subtitle of “turn your kid into a philosopher.” This is another fun audiobook. I really enjoyed this, and then baby Jace was the very first post on this book, so it made it even better.
#DrSeuss #OhTheThinksYouCanThink #audiobook #JacesBookClub
Jace thinks it‘s fun to read and rhyme
All these words before nap time.
P.S. Yes, his mom is a dork! 🤓
When your library gives you a new tote, but it's not big enough to return your and your Toddlersaurus's #libraryhaul. 📚📚📚🤷♀️😄
Oh, the Thinks you can Think, written and illustrated by Dr. Seuss, is a P book that would be perfect for an AS of Dr. Seuss. The book is about the endless possibilities that one can think of when using their imagination. This book has a song based off of it that is in a musical called "Seussical the Musical". The musical contains a lot of Dr. Seuss' main characters the students this musical when doing an AS on Dr. Seuss, would be fun!
"Someone has read a book you recommended to them and gotten lost in its pages."
(via Suspended Coffee)
My other Little Free Library, Quaker Meetinghouse LFL, is also ready to celebrate March 2nd, Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! #read #books #drseuss #littlefreelibrary
Think left and think right and think low and think high. oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!
Too late for Harry Potter tonight so we picked a shorter read.