The Covids (someone actually called it that in a thing I read and now it will forever be known as the Covids) cute reads marathon continues. Cute m/m romance. #lgbtqia Also I must say that I‘m happy there are so many to choose from!
The Covids (someone actually called it that in a thing I read and now it will forever be known as the Covids) cute reads marathon continues. Cute m/m romance. #lgbtqia Also I must say that I‘m happy there are so many to choose from!
Genre: Romance
Book started: 1/2/20
Book finished:1/7/20
Gideon is the first to find out feelings for Kyle, but had to hide his feelings since Kyle had a girlfriend, Ruby. Although on Gideon's birthday, both him and kyle had a moment. Kyle then realized his feelings for Gideon and then decided to break up with Ruby. Then photos of hate list about Kyle went around written by Gideon. In the end Kyle understood why he wrote it and forgave him.
#bfcr3 #namastepositive
Late post... my mom‘s purse, wallet, and phone were stolen from her car at the cemetery 😡 That was Wednesday and I‘ve spent the last couple days helping her sort things out.
I‘ve done my best to keep focusing on the positive.
I‘ve hit most of my goals... still working on tracking my food.
Pro: I read this in one sitting. Con: it's a very, very simple story with no real substance. It could have been better if it were fleshed out more. Stick to Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda if you are looking for good m/m romance.
It was cute but very typical. There wasn't really any discrimination it's just too boys in love and the high school drama that comes with it. Easy read but nothing extraordinary about it.
I've enjoyed Sandy Hall's other books which are like lovely marshmallows around a life event (falling in love, discovering your family history isn't quite what you thought it was) and well, this one's blurb hooked me with "a best friend willing to debate the finer points of lord of the rings"
A kid after my own heart, regarding pep rallies: "I definitely never feel the proper level of pep while I sit there. It's just people hopping around on the gym floor. I don't even know what they're doing, or what it's supposed to look like. It really just seems like everyone is bouncing up and down and trying to get me to bounce up and down. I have zero desire to bounce. I also dislike clapping. What are we, trained seals?"
Not as great as I expected. I found this book when it popped up on Amazon related to The Great American Whatever by Tim Federle, which I loved. The characters in this weren't that developed and the plot was very predictable. I enjoyed parts of the story, but overall it's pretty forgettable.
Another successful library trip! This should keep me occupied for the rest of break 😎
I really liked this book for what it was... a cute and simple gay romance. It was refreshing to read one that wasn't heavy for once. 😄💕
The 4 POVs were a little confusing though, because they were hard to tell apart at first, and also kept you from connecting with the characters.
YAAAAAAAS #representationmatters
I'm sorry I just get really excited whenever there are bisexual characters that aren't miserable, or default characterized as promiscuous.
Day 1 of #seasonsreadings2016 which is my *hopeful* tbr pile for the month. It will probably change a lot, knowing me.
First up is Been Here All Along which I am SO EXCITED for!
This book was the literary equivalent of a marshmallow.
There is no conflict, no sexual tension, and this dialogue, which makes me physically cringe.
1. Queer relationships deserve better stories.
2. Every problem is solved by a single conversation.
3. There's literally no reason for the ex-gf character to be such a bitch except #internalizedmisogyny!
Don't get me started on the poor handling of the learning disability subplot which requires more than 451 characters to be upset about. 😛 #bye
I loved it! Slightly clichéd and I thought the climax was reached to early and left the end a little bland, but it was very cute and a quick read.
Meh. Cute but it could use a little more depth. Most of the books felt rushed.
Cute LGBT love story. I wasn't a fan of having four first person POVs in a romance and found the extreme supportiveness of the gay characters ideal but perhaps unrealistic. Not as adorable as Simon and the Homo Sapiens Agenda but charming in its own way.