One of the best openers! The Sun In Your Eyes comes to paperback 3/28.
One of the best openers! The Sun In Your Eyes comes to paperback 3/28.
This book was okay. A tale of friendship and a little on marriage. Good for those who need a light/easy read, though I think I'm more in the frame of mind for something meatier.
Books + coffee + fresh fruit = perfect Saturday! Re-reading this gem pictured here. 📚
A story about a young woman who is determined to learn the truth about the death of her rockstar dad. But underneath it's really a tale about female friendship, how challenging it is to carry on after you grow apart. There were some great moments of clarity in this novel but it didn't carry through as well as I would have hoped. A strong idea, lacking a bit in execution.
I think there are things you have to come to at exactly the right age to really fall in love with them. If you are too young, you don't quite get it. And if you're too old, you get it, you appreciate it, but it doesn't necessarily move you so much. You don't identify in the same way.
"We never wondered who we might see or want to impress, never worried whether we were getting the best of the best. We knew we weren't."
Book mail at the office as I returned from vacation. Looking forward to reading both of these!
There are many books in this photo (and they are all fantastic!) but right now I'm LOVING The Sun In Your Eyes by Deborah Shapiro! I fell in love with her characters and beautiful writing and know you will too. Plus the Rock and roll references are on point!!
"It was right after Andy and I got married that Lee really pulled away."
🌟🌟🌟/5 stars. A thought provoking novel of friendship and fame.
Beginning a road trip adventure with a rock and roll twist. THE SUN IN YOUR EYES by Deborah Shapiro is on sale next week!
Book mail is the best mail. This giveaway win just arrived today.
"A hip, literary spin on the women's-fiction novel." -Booklist