I love how these colours go together! These are my impulsive book purchases I made yesterday and 🤪 at full Canadian prices too. 🤪 Oh well! It out me in my happy place right?
I love how these colours go together! These are my impulsive book purchases I made yesterday and 🤪 at full Canadian prices too. 🤪 Oh well! It out me in my happy place right?
I love Susanna Kearsley books, but SEASON OF STORMS is not in my opinion one of her better writing. She took far too long to get the story off the ground and spent a lot of unnecessary time on setting the scene with little to no movement in plot. With some patience it ends up being a decent book.
I was surprised I hadn‘t read this Kearsley book when I saw it available as an ebook from my library. Read it while pumping - kept me occupied :)
A little different than Kearsley‘s other books in that the historical part of the story was less prominent - more of a backdrop. I really enjoyed the growth of the main character, the Italian setting, and the positive familial relationships, but the love interest was a bit weak.
My biggest crochet project of 2017, done mostly as #audiocrocheting. Just realized that although I shared some in progress shots several months ago, I never shared the finished product. I love how it turned out and love that this year I discovered #audiocrocheting - excited for projects I'll start and audiobooks I'll read in 2018.
This one's only a so-so for me. It's the 2nd Kearsley I've read after Mariana, and it is rather uneven in comparison. That's not really its fault, Mariana is the best book I've read so far this year. It might reward a rereading sometime when Mariana isn't so fresh in my mind.
Also my 2001 book for #192019challenge
Latest crochet project done: two dishclothes. Love the colours, makes me want to keep 'em even though they're meant to be gifts.
I'm a couple hours into my current audiobook. It's very good so far but I still love Mariana more.
I loved it! It was more of a contemporary mystery with some references to a tragic past. There was also a scene where I was getting some massive Nancy Drew vibes.
' you will tell him I didn't run off? She smiled as though reminding me of something I had promised. "I couldn't bear to have him thinking that, it's such an awful lie, and I do love him. Tell him I was murdered, won't you? Tell him I'm still here.'
'You just know, that for as long as you are living you'll remember every detail."
I was feeling really overwhelmed and felt a slump coming on, I just had So.Much. Going on at the moment. So I put everything to the side and turned to the author I knew would have a story to pull me back to life and make everything right; Susanna Kearsley. I'm really enjoying Season of Storms so far. I can't wait to see where the story goes. Happy Weekend everyone❤️