This is a great Urban Fantasy novel, with an original plot that moves along at a cracking pace. The characters are well developed and our flawed hero Harry is one of most likable characters I have come across. I will be continuing with this series.
This is a great Urban Fantasy novel, with an original plot that moves along at a cracking pace. The characters are well developed and our flawed hero Harry is one of most likable characters I have come across. I will be continuing with this series.
Finished this one pretty quickly. In keeping with my wizard/supernatural bent as of late. A graphic novel retelling of the first in the series about a Chicagoland wizard just trying to make a living and STAY living!
And for #Junebookbugs #Urbanfantasy THE DRESDEN FILES! @RealLifeReading
Harry Dresden is so awesome!
I have only read the first three so far...starting on number four soon. My favorite part up to date is Harry going to a vampire party dressed, not only as a vampire, but a very cheesy one!!!!
Ugh. I don't know if I can make it thru this book with "dudebro" lines like these.
The writing did settle down once the action took off. The voice of the main character did set my teeth on edge a bit.
I confess I'm not loving the way every woman is described in terms of their sex appeal (or lack thereof). Thinking I should write something similar from a female point of view. "His rear was more flabby than firm and didn't fill out the back of his jeans. Ditto for his front".