His current reads: all non-fiction.
I‘ve started reading slower than I have in years what with the pressure of lockdown but I loved this collection of essays and it was a perfect one to read slowly. Susan Sontag‘s brain is just astonishing! How someone so young wrote these essays covering so much of culture and literature i have no idea. ‘On style‘ is something I‘ll be turning over in my head for a long time
Hi everyone! I‘m sorry I‘ve been so inactive, I‘ve fallen off the radar a little bit. Since I‘ve been on furlough and not working everything has gone a bit odd really I‘ve been reading a lot slower. I‘m absolutely adoring this book though I‘ve fallen completely in love with Susan Sontag
Obviously a product of it‘s time (early 1960s), but Sontag at her best (the title essay, “Notes on Camp,” “On Style”) still has bite to it. Her essays on film are also sharp. The essays on theater are the weakest, but even Sontag acknowledged that it the afterword.
“... the novel as a form of art has nothing to lose, and everything to gain, by joining the revolution that has already swept over most of the other arts.”
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