Harmony cracks me up! 😂 This was a fun volume. Lots of things happening, all the classic Joss Whedon humor that we‘ve come to know and love, and lots of ass-kicking adventure. ❤️
Harmony cracks me up! 😂 This was a fun volume. Lots of things happening, all the classic Joss Whedon humor that we‘ve come to know and love, and lots of ass-kicking adventure. ❤️
I really love the story lines with Faith. They really do her character justice in the comics. ❤️
Even with it being so slow this afternoon, it‘s too difficult to listen to an audiobook at work, so I‘m switching to comics for my last hour. #TGIF
(ok, that TGIF hashtag is mostly just ironic since I don‘t normally work and I‘m only temping. But come on, I never get a chance to feel it! 😉)
Despite more occurrences of casual monosexism and the fact that all the women seem to be drawn with the same "big boobs and super tiny waist" body type, I have to say I loved this volume because it was so funny! Andrew and Harmony being their ridiculous selves. Buffy's one liners! Vampy cat stuffed animals that attack! It was also great to get a little piece of so many characters in one volume.
Hahaha Andrew ❤️ I totally agree
Another one that was hard to get through. Dialogue heavy and yet still managed to move too fast. Nothing more than a bunch of one shot comics that had nothing to do with the current plot. And considering we've spent so much time on the Dawn sitch it's ridiculous that they wrapped it up in a single issue with almost no closure or explanation.
Oh Harmony, I've missed your ridiculousness