This history should be essential reading for everyone, but especially those of us who are queer. 🌈🌈
This history should be essential reading for everyone, but especially those of us who are queer. 🌈🌈
Can‘t believe I‘m missing #tfob this year. A few more months and I might make the Tampa Bay Festival of Reading!
I got over 100 books, despite the intense career move at the end of the year. I‘m shooting for about half this many next year.
Every member of the lgbtq community should read this. Especially the younger generation that has no clue of the struggles we had. The fair that kept many homosexuals in the closet, the threats to our life and livelihood, those Heroes that stood up and said come out come out wherever you are Inlet standing United. Let us celebrate the freedoms we have, but let's not forget those that fart to give us those freedom.
Sorry Litsy, I haven't been on much! Got some news about a job, and now I'm on mini-vacation in Denver. So I haven't been on or posting my #riotgrams. But here is one for yesterday! #lgbtpride
It may just be the most recent good nonfiction read, but it's #MOREORLESS worth a (very long) read. @Liberty #lgbtbooks #weneeddiversebooks
On second thought what's wrong with a 29 hour long audiobook? 😨
Finally found a #library copy of this book. I was having issues with the 29 hour long #audiobook version. #litsyloveslibraries #readlgbt
Another #BookandMusic pairing for #AugustPhotoChallenge!
I'm pairing THE GAY REVOLUTION w/the music of ERIC HIMAN. The Gay Revolution is a new history book about the struggles & achievements of gay, lesbian, & trans rights in the US. Eric Himan is an up-and-coming gay singer/songwriter & activist who does acoustic guitar & powerful solo rock music that often focuses on gay themes. ?
? "PROTEST SONG" | http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B7KSfZ-5VoY
Important but uneven chronicle of the many political, legislative and judicial battles for gay rights. Combines a recounting of familiar landmark cases with vignettes of the movement's unsung or forgotten heroes and some of the behind the scenes debates over strategy and goals.
Started reading (listening to?) this audiobook today. I'm grateful for those who came before and fought for the civil rights of LGBTQ+ people, my civil rights. The fight isn't over, of course, as has been made undeniably clear by recent events. But we should be proud. 🌈
"The dead will be commemorated and will struggle on with the living, and we are not going away. We won't die secret deaths anymore. The world only spins forward. We will be citizens. The time has come...The Great Work Begins." --Tony Kushner, Angels in America.