Sometimes you just have to keep going and this book shows that with these characters it‘s important to keep going
Sometimes you just have to keep going and this book shows that with these characters it‘s important to keep going
Another strong instalment in the series with Dallas working a case that ends up involving the whole gang (Peabody, McNab, Feeney, & Roarke) in the investigation. There are also brief appearances by best friend Mavis, her partner Leonardo, and beauty therapist Trina whose evenings of treatments & makeovers strike fear into Dallas the likes of which no serial killers can do. 4🌟
A cup of coffee, a book and this view. Last day of vacation! #VacationReading
Just finished number 18 in the In Death series. I am so far behind and I desperately need to catch up! Unfortunately with my library being closed due to the virus, I have to wait to get the next one when they open back up. Hopefully it‘ll be soon! This is one of my favorite series and I love Eve and Roarke!
This is my favorite In Death book in awhile. After several books spent wishing they weren't just the same ol' same ol', I actually found myself wishing this one was not so different, because she really shook things up in this one. However, despite the tears I shed over this book, I really enjoyed it.