The Perfect Nest is a Children's Literature story written by Catherine Friend and Illustrated by John Manders. This is a story about a cat named Jack who set up the perfect nest so the perfect chicken will come along to lay a perfect egg for Jack's perfect omelet. A perfect chicken did come along, and then shortly after a duck shows up, and then a goose. These animals are all fighting over this perfect nest and now Jack wants them out.
clairebourq_2023 He convinces all the animals to leave to go to the neighboring farm because they have an even better nest for them to lay eggs! Jack is left with the three eggs and his mouth is watering... soon after, CRACK! The eggs hatch, and now Jack cannot make these into his perfect omelet!? He tries to hide from them but realizes nobody else is there a=to take care of them. Despite their differences, Jack realizes he must take care of these babies. 2y
clairebourq_2023 No awards yet. 2y