This. Every. Freakin. Day. This is how I feel every day. #ranttime
Ruthiella 👍👍👍 2w
AmyG I am woke if the opposite means not feeding hungry children, hatred for immigrants, the LGBTQ community, people of color, taking away medicaid from people who need it, not funding charities overseas, not funding education ETC ETC ETC 2w
Soscha Reading builds empathy, being able to see yourself as an other in different lives, different worlds, different cultures. If you‘ve ever wondered why you‘re not likely to find a MAGA mindset among book readers. It is more than intelligence (though something to be said there too) it‘s EMPATHY. 2w
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ncsufoxes @Soscha a friend of mine reposted one of Heather Cox Richardson‘s daily post. My MIL wrote “that‘s too long to read.” (If you guessed it she‘s a maga). I of course had to post something snarky in response to her saying these daily postings give me hope & that knowledge is power. She is a person that doesn‘t read, she watches a certain channel all day. I told my husband the other day I‘m so happy that he is nothing like his parents. He said I got 2w
ncsufoxes An education, I keep learning. My husband has his PhD, I have a MS, our house is full of books. My mil is stuck in her old thinking & she doesn‘t want to move beyond. I partially feel bad for her as an empath but I also think you need to unlearn that sh@t. My mom is the same age & she‘s worked hard to learn more about things she didn‘t know about. But then again I grew up in a house full of books. My mom‘s parents were immigrants but she said they 2w
ncsufoxes always had books. Books & education is key, which is why they want to continue to destroy both. 2w
ncsufoxes @AmyG I feel the same way. Call me woke, call me a bleeding heart liberal, call me empathetic…I‘m not offended, all it means is I care about other people. I don‘t understand how people can be rejoicing over people starving, homeless, losing healthcare. It‘s beyond comprehension. It hurts knowing that there are people that just don‘t care. 2w
MittenGirlPeach @AmyG this all day! 🧡🧡🧡 2w
MittenGirlPeach Perfectly put! 2w
AmyG @ncsufoxes I truly believe fear is a driving factor in what makes many older people Maga. The world is changing and they don‘t understand. Fox perpetuates the fear….add hatred of certain groups of people. Some would rather see the people they hate “lose”….than themselves “win”. The. Add some other reasons. I swear….we are in a Stephen King novel. 😩 (edited) 2w
AmyG Thanks @MittenGirlPeach 👊🏻 2w
ncsufoxes @AmyG totally. My mom was telling me about one of her maga friends talking about trans athletes (my mom is anti maga). I kid you not a few days later my mil repeats the same line word for word to my husband (my mil is maga & loves faux news). My husband told her, “our kids have all gone to school with trans kids & they‘re just fine.” She didn‘t know how to respond. Fear, miseducation, repeating lies & stereotypes to the under educated are all what 2w
ncsufoxes continue this mess. My mil lives in a fancy neighborhood but watches anyone who comes in her house (out the door or on the ring camera) because she‘s been convinced by the news that people are coming to rob her daily. She is afraid to unlearn anything from her past. My oldest went toe to toe with her over the summer about her “views,” she shut down & told him he was just wrong. She doesn‘t want to engage in any conversation. She twists her ideas 2w
ncsufoxes to fit whatever narrative she wants it to fit into. She literally doesn‘t understand how this administration is affecting anyone on our house. She just sticks her head in the sand. I really think a lot of this is going to end when there is boots to the ground, going door to door to talk to people. Education is key & Civics class (edited) 2w
Susanita I went to lunch today with my husband and another couple. When they started in on all their conservative BS I just sat and read Litsy. I know there‘s no point in arguing. 2w
Chrissyreadit same. 2w
Chrissyreadit @AmyG I agree it is fear based for many but the unwillingness to learn and have accurate information presented is making it harder and harder for me to be engaged with them. 2w
AmyG @Chrissyreadit @Susanita I agree. How can you engage with people who don‘t share the same facts, the same values? Like talking to a wall. (edited) 1w
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