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The Pillowman
The Pillowman: A Play | Martin McDonagh
9 posts | 22 read | 12 to read
While still in his twenties, the Anglo-Irish playwright Martin McDonagh has filled houses in New York and London, been showered with the theatre world's most prestigious accolades, and electrified audiences with his cunningly crafted and outrageous tragicomedies. With echoes of Stoppard and Kafka, his latest drama, The Pillowman, is the viciously funny and seriously disturbing tale of a writer in an unnamed totalitarian state who is interrogated about the gruesome content of his short stories and their similarities to a number of child-murders occurring in his town.
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The Pillowman: A Play | Martin McDonagh
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The Pillowman: A Play | Martin McDonagh
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Read. This. Play. Funny, disturbing, scary—I felt a lot of seemingly opposite emotions reading this play but one thing‘s for sure, I can‘t stop thinking about it.

The Pillowman: A Play | Martin McDonagh
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Highly confusing play. Despite its difficult content, it was an interesting narrative as you truly don‘t know what is going on.

The Pillowman: A Play | Martin McDonagh
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Sunday gaming and play reading! Before tonight's showing of All About Eve. Good day off 👍

Brenley Is that a Marvel Deck Builder I see? 8y
TheBookDream @Brenley It is! We were playing Legendary. 8y
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The Pillowman: A Play | Martin McDonagh
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Day 7 of #feistyfeb #alltheworldsastage

Some of my favorite plays. 😃

mabell My husband and I love the Importance of Being Earnest movie adaptation, but always wonder how close it is to the play. I still haven't read it! I'll add it to my TBR to remind me to do so ASAP 8y
MamaGina I've never heard of The Pillowman, it sounds intriguing🤓 8y
BrainyHeroine Pillowman!! When I worked at a local theatre we did a production of that one. It stays with you. 8y
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sprainedbrain @mabell I love it as a play, but have never seen a movie version. Maybe I should remedy that! 😃 8y
sprainedbrain @MamaGina It's a good one! I wish I had seen David Tennant in it back in the day. 😍 8y
monkeygirlsmama I have never heard of The Pillowman. I need to look this up! 8y
mabell @sprainedbrain absolutely! You watch the movie, I'll read the play, and we'll reconvene. 😀 8y
booksandsympathy I like The Importance of Being Earnest movie, but haven't read it. 8y
kirstyreads Studied The Pillowman for university last year and every time I went back to it I found some new meaning and texture, just amazing playwriting, in fine company alongside Shakespeare and Wilde, great selection!! 8y
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The Pillowman: A Play | Martin McDonagh
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Katurian: This feels like school, somehow.
Tupolski: Mm. Expect at school they didn't execute you at the end. (Pause.) Unless you went to a really fucking tough school.

The Pillowman: A Play | Martin McDonagh

Katurian: This feels like school, somehow.
Tupolski: Mm. Expect at school they didn't execute you at the end. (Pause.) Unless you went to a really fucking tough school.

The Pillowman: A Play | Martin McDonagh

Another exciting play from Martin Mcdonagh... Ambitious and bitter...

The Pillowman: A Play | Martin McDonagh
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"What are you doing taking my word about anything?" - Tupolski, telling it like it is

todd This made me laugh 🤗 9y
joe_hill Love the McDonagh brothers. Angry, fiercely brilliant writing full of Irish steel. 9y
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