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We Believe You
We Believe You: Survivors of Campus Sexual Assault Speak Out | Annie E. Clark, Andrea L. Pino
16 posts | 8 read | 1 reading | 11 to read
"From young activists at the forefront of the movement to end sexual assault on college campuses, a collection of survivor stories that will connect with students and inform and inspire us all Across the U.S. student activists are exposing a pervasive cover-up of sexual assault on college campuses. Every day more survivors come forward. But other survivors choose not to. We Believe You elevates the stories the headlines about this issue have been missing--more than 30 experiences of trauma, healing and everyday activism, representing a diversity of races, economic and family backgrounds, gender identities, immigration statuses, interests, capacities and loves. More than 1 in 5 women and 5 percent of men are sexually assaulted at college, a shocking status quo that might have stayed largely hidden and unaddressed but for the two authors of We Believe You. In 2013, Annie E. Clark and Andrea L. Pino, then 23 and 20, building on the work of earlier activists, outed themselves as assault survivors and filed a federal complaint against the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) for mishandling such crimes; within a month, the U.S. government began to investigate UNC. Within a year, dozens of colleges were under federal investigation. But Clark and Pino rightly see themselves as two among many. Students from every kind of college and university--large and small, public and private, highly selective and less so--are sounding alarms and staking claims to justice by filing complaints, by pressing charges, and by simply living beyond the effects of assault and the betrayals of their schools. A sampling of their voices speak out in this book"--
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Survivors of campus sexual assults share their stories of trauma, healing and activism in this vivid read. Books of this subject matter are hard to rate. It was a good but difficult read. I appreciate these students sharing their stories. Books like this are important but hard reads.

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This was a through testimonial to what people have been put through when sexual assaulted. Before, after, and healing process. This focuses on campus assaults.

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Summer break is giving me no time to read so far...anyone want to borrow my kids? 😂😂
They won't be little for long...they won't be little for long....they won't always be arguing...

saresmoore Sigh. I hear that. 7y
bookhoarder513 @saresmoore the struggle is real! 7y
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My first go at compiling #readingstats . I tried hard to hit a book a day in January, but a few days at Midwinter were just too busy for reading!
I don't count picture books when I track my reading, but everything else is accounted for.

onesmartcupcake I love the way you designed this! 8y
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I read the first 200 or so pages of this last night, thinking a lot about my own college & grad school experiences. It was only as I was falling asleep that I realized I should be reading through my lens as a current faculty member as well.

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Listening to We Believe You while I crochet. I'm on the part where they start talking about their assaults. My tension got tighter as they got further into their stories. My heart. Those victims. :/

BookishFeminist I hear you. :/ Beautiful color scheme on your crochet, though. 8y
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This is going to hurt. I just know it.

BookishFeminist It will, but it's worth it. So heartbreaking but important. 💔 8y
Twocougs I went from heartbroken to angry to heartbroken again when I read it. My husband kept asking me why I was crying as I read it, I'd tell him then he'd get angry. An important topic and book. 8y
BookishMarginalia We need to bear witness. 8y
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This is going to hurt. I just know it.
#nonfiction #audiobook #campusassaults


This is going to hurt. I just know it.
#nonfiction #audiobook #campusassaults


This is going to hurt. I just know it.
#nonfiction #audiobook #campusassaults

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For #recommendsday I want to highlight this book again. Such powerful survivor narratives that examine sexual assault from all angles : race, sexuality, gender, age. Everyone should read this one. @Liberty

WanderingBookaneer My wife, @BookishMarginalia , and I bought it yesterday. 8y
WanderingBookaneer Our local bookstore, @TheBookmarkPR , carries it. 8y
WanderingBookaneer Thanks, @AMD007, for ordering 8y
aWrites This is definitely a #MustRead for everyone. 8y
LisaMakeWords I'm glad you were able to get a copy @JaimitaPR. Because I agree with @AMD007 it is a must read book for everyone with children in college or not. 8y
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Incredibly moving, powerful, frustrating. Cried many times listening to rape survivors in and around American universities. I read Missoula earlier this year but I'd rec this book first. Focuses on intersectionality of POC and LGTBQ survivors and rape culture. Hard read but worth it.

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⭐️JUNE 2016 READING STATS⭐️ Surprised I read this much considering I wasn't finding books that I liked and I've been completely addicted to playing Overwatch. But the books I finished I really enjoyed and I plan to finish Jemison's The Inheritance trilogy soon.

LitHousewife I love the graphic you chose for this! 8y
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Current Audible read, and it's a tough one but I hope more people will read it.

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Such a powerful book yet so incredibly difficult to read. I have to do it in chunks and take a break because I get so upset. These young women, who have consented to share their sexual assault stories, are brave. When will society really address the issue and begin to teach our men to not rape?