#CurrentlyReading #CanYouKeepASecret? #SophieKinsella #winepairing #Silex #Dagueneau #CabSauv #2007
Finished a second read of this gem, in preparation for the finale. #WinePairing #CharlesSmith #SeccoItalianBubbles #Rosé #PinotNoir #TenThousandSkiesAboveYou #booksandbooze
Got this one today. Has been on my list since it came out. Excited to read it!
#CurrentStatus Enjoying my fave #CruBeaujolais from #Morgon + enjoying a wonderful book, while hubs is out. #WineNerd #booksandwine #Gamay
Now starting this one. I've loved her previous ones, so I'm really looking forward to this one.
Loved this one. Coming of age, at a later age. Family, career, life-- learning to grow up, when you're all ready grown up.
"It was only recently that I realized the knowledge my father wanted us to have. It wasn't about the vineyard. It was about each other."
"Most of the time a person wants something more than anything else. You can tell because at the end of the day that's what they're willing to fight for." #LauraDave #EightHundredGrapes
"But which way is regret?" #LauraDave #EightHundredGrapes Loving this book. ?
This book is great! Not a romance, not a thriller-- it's a metaphorical social commentary on dating + relationships, career + life.
It's hazardous to hunt for a new relationship while still heartbroken over the old one. - You're not really hunting. I'm here.
#Neverthesamelovetwice One of my most favorite quotes, by one of my most favorite literati.
'It's amazing how often "right" is mere shorthand for "safe".'