I haven't seen weather this cold for this many days in I don't know how long. Hopefully I can get some reading in today.
I haven't seen weather this cold for this many days in I don't know how long. Hopefully I can get some reading in today.
April 10: #AprilInBooks— Title Starts w/ [my] initial; C books ftw!!
Welcome to upstage NY...or the ice planet Hoth. I‘m unclear on which place I live right now. 😂I think it might be a “stay under the blankets and read all day” kind of day. ❄️😨❄️
And just like that our cold snap is over #raincouver @tournevis
My air temperature in Houston. The hubs asked me to help the HOA board (he's president) take down the community decorations from the holidays. Hmmm, stay in a warm house with a book, or go out into the cold. Can you guess my choice????
😩 nope. Not doing a thing today.
Honestly, I think this was the best in the series so far. I didn't think I would like this series with romance being in it but its a great series. 5/5 stars.
#readcrimefiction #allisonbrennan #coldsnap
With the cool weather, it would be a perfect day for this. Except change the coffee to tea. 😂😊
#bookworm #bookwormproblems #readingisfun #readerproblems #readcrimefiction