Finished book 2 of the Silver Springs series. Pretty good book. Not, on to book three.
Finished book 2 of the Silver Springs series. Pretty good book. Not, on to book three.
Started book 2 last week. Didn‘t get very far yet, life keys getting in the way! 😜
I have crushed my #ReadingGoals this weekend. This was the last audiobook that I‘m going to finish this weekend, and it was a great one to end off with! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Full of family drama, light romance, and suspense. I‘m on the lookout for more like it! #BookishWeekend
I got about three hours into the last audiobook, and still had no interest in it, so I‘ve moved on to this one. I‘ve read a few of Brenda Novak‘s books, and really enjoyed them, so I have high hopes for this one. ♥️ #BookishWeekend
Help beat diabetes with Brenda Novak and K.J. Howe!
Brenda has generously provided signed copies of three books from her Silver Springs series and a tote bag as a prize for this giveaway. Further prizes include signed copies of THE FREEDOM BROKER and SKYJACK by K.J.
To enter, join K.J.‘s mailing list: https://www.kjhowe.com/mailing-list/ by July 5. A donation to diabetes research will be made for each entry.
#giveaway #femaleauthor
I'm working my way through Brandon Novak's Silver Springs series and this book was just as good as the first! Brenda incorporates just enough romance with mystery and suspense to keep you turning the pages 😊
And that‘s a wrap for #25inFive ! I actually logged about 29 hours and loved every minute of reading time! This book, about an abused wife and a man falsly accused of murdering his adopted parents hit the spot for me today. Fast paced, suspenseful even while knowing who the bad guy was from the beginning, and romantic without being pornographic it was just what I needed on this chilly day!
I have about 4 1/2 hours left to make my #25inFive and started this book this morning. On chapter 3 already and can tell it‘s going to be hard to put it down and work on the things I need to do today.