No Mopes Allowed: A Small Town Police Chief Rants and Babbles about Hugs and High Fives, Meth Busts, Internet Celebrity, and Other Adventures . . . | David A. Oliver
If you like no-nonsense crime-busting, straight-shooting opinions, and offbeat humor, you�ll love this greatest-hits collection from surprise Internet sensation Chief David A. Oliver of the Brimfield Police Department . . . He�s been called �the coolest police chief in existence,� but David Oliver says he�s just doing his job�and still doesn�t understand how his small-town police department�s Facebook page attracted a worldwide audience. Readers from as far away as Australia, Ireland, and Hong Kong, and from every state in the U.S. �stop by� daily for a virtual cup of coffee with the chief. Whether he�s busting �mopes� (old-fashioned cop slang for criminal types), comforting a teen runaway, or promoting school safety, Oliver�s folksy and feisty style connects with readers. He tackles tough issues: The invasion of Meth and other drugs. Drunk driving. School shootings. He champions personal responsibility, and chastises politicians. �I have a low tolerance for nonsense,� Oliver says. This book collects the best of the chief�s politically incorrect essays, delightfully sarcastic letters to criminals, humorous crime reports, inspirational quotes, and more. Enter the colorful world of the Brimfield PD . . . Where you do NOT want to win a pair of �silver bracelets� and �a trip to the bed-and-breakfast� . . . Where drug mopes are pursued by a �Meth Whisperer� . . . Where dispatch calls might include an APB (�All-Pig Bulletin�) . . . And where kids caught bicycling safely are issued tickets�for free ice cream. If you�re not a mope, you�ll fit right in! David Oliver will donate all of his income from this book to the Chief Oliver Foundation, a not-for-profit organization that distributes funds to police department charitable programs and assists juvenile survivors of sexual assault.
(less)If you like no-nonsense crime-busting, straight-shooting opinions, and offbeat humor, you�ll love this greatest-hits collection from surprise Internet sensation Chief David A. Oliver of the Brimfield Police Department . . . He�s been