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Chimes of a Lost Cathedral
Chimes of a Lost Cathedral | Janet Fitch
7 posts | 2 read | 7 to read
The story of THE REVOLUTION OF MARINA M. continues in bestselling author Janet Fitch's sweeping epic about a young woman's coming into her own against the backdrop of the Russian Revolution. After the events of The Revolution of Marina M., young Marina Makarova is pregnant and on her own, forced to eke out an existence in the Russian countryside and plotting her escape back to Petrograd. When a train comes to town bearing none other than her estranged husband Genya--now a minor celebrity--and his ragtag agitprop troupe, Marina sees her way out. But on her return to Petrograd, she finds the city not as she remembered it. Ravaged by two years of revolution, it is a lawless place of brigands and orphans, and Marina must take desperate measures to protect herself and her child. From the beloved bestselling author of White Oleander, CHIMES OF A LOST CATHEDRAL is the sweeping, bold, and unforgettable story of a young woman's finding her strength and forging her own path amidst some of the most dramatic and devastating upheavals of the last century.
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The sequel to The Revolution of Marina M follows Marina through the civil war after the 1917 Revolution in Russia through the lens of the Silver Age poets and Maxim Gorky. Beautifully written, impeccably researched. Not quite as thrilling as the first book.


Finally finished this book. 730 pages! It was just so so to me. Was slow in a lot of places but I didn't want to dnf another book for September #BookSpin or #BookSpinBingo


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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October recap! Ugh, I had a terrible month! I DNF'D one book. Read two only. Still reading the tagged book. It has 730 pages and I am only on 380, be t it's actually good. I have just had a hectic September. I'm finishing this book before I go on to October #BookSpin #BookSpinBingo. Hopefully, I will finish it this weekend🤞☺️🤞

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Great progress this month!! 3y
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Starting this today. Hope it's better than the last book I read.
#BookSpin #15

TheAromaofBooks Good luck!!! 3y
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#7days7covers - Day 2.

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Thank GOODNESS for my province-wide interlibrary loan system!

Airykah13 I love the diviners series! 5y
pythoness God, I can‘t wait for more of the Diviners series to come out. 5y
TheBookRecluse The Brides Test was amazing. I don‘t usually read romance, but I love this series. 5y
SassenachTheBookWizard @TheBookRecluse that's what I keep hearing so I gotta try it! 5y
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1. Check my Goodreads TBR which is stacked pretty deep thanks to Get Booked and Litsy, consider what I'm in the mood for, see what's available at the library, consult the Read Harder Journal for what challenge is next, walk around the library and see what's on display.
2. I don't have a commute since I work from home.
3. My phone 😳
4. Trader Joes inner peas or popcorn, peppermint or lavender tea.

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