I can't believe this is due back at the library on Saturday and I've only just started reading it! That's ok! It's already off to a good start, so I'll probably finish it tonight! 🤞🏼Im getting ready for the sequel The Daybreak Bond!!
I can't believe this is due back at the library on Saturday and I've only just started reading it! That's ok! It's already off to a good start, so I'll probably finish it tonight! 🤞🏼Im getting ready for the sequel The Daybreak Bond!!
Yesterday, we had a successful family outing to the library. Everyone got something! I'm thinking this needs to become more of a regular thing! 💛📚
Cute MG sci-fi novel about kids living in a "utopian" community based on the ideals of "creativity, ingenuity, experimentation, & order." Like all utopias, it sounds great in theory but starts to fall apart in practice.
It's a good intro for kids, with a pro-nature/anti-conformist message. The writing isn't stellar, and for an adult, the plot is very predictable - but it's still compelling & I'll likely pick up the sequel.
"Theo and I walked along the street with the two yellow circles of light from our flashlights in front of us. They bounced together, and then apart, and then together again. Each time we stepped, our feet made a slapping noise as the soles of our shoes hit the still-wet street."
Blackmore captures what it's like to be a kid in the summertime, feeling the first fluttering of romance. Remember your first crush, who lived down the street? I do!
Celebrating the end of school and the beginning of summer reading on the back porch!
I wanted to like this more than I did. The premise excited me (genetic engineering, AI, futuristic utopian society), but the story seemed slow. Also craved more emotions from the characters. Though, Blakemore did a pretty good job writing about complicated topics for middle grade readers.
My husband needed to run an errand at the fly fishing shop...said I'd wait in the car and read! 😆