Happy Halloween!
Mara Dyer is a telekinetic 17-year-old who unwittingly murders people with her mind.
Wow. This was a mind-blowingly unsettling part pnr part sci-fi series and one of the bests I've ever read. Mara Dyer is a villain but "Every villain is the hero of their own story".
There wasn't much development in the story in the first two books, in the third every mystery started uncovering but nonetheless, all three books are extremely gripping. 5⭐
An absolutely freaking fantastic finale to such a perfect series! This third book was so much darker, and I really loved the huge plot twists we get in this one, the plot picks up from the previous book and the pacing as usual is pretty fast and something is always happening. Noah wasn't in this one a huge amount but it's somehow still romantic. I loved the ending and it definitely answered the majority of the questions I had! Fantastic series😍
"You never know what a person stands to gain or lose by anything"
"Everyone's a little crazy. Some people just hide it better than others"
Maybe sometimes we can only see the truth about ourselves if someone shows us where to look.
Tore through book 3 for another notch in my 2019 #seriesread goal! While I have seen complaints online that this book did not have enough of Noah, I think that was good & necessary for Mara to evolve as she does in this book. It was nice to not be distracted by Noah‘s perfect perfection for a bit 😁
Most strings are tied up and backstories come together. I found it satisfying, if exhausting. Series reads can be contradictory like that, eh?
I'm reading this at work during breaks. I love when a book makes reference to another. This made me giggle. District 12 salute!
A fitting ending to the trilogy. Some good horror scenes and solid bittersweet moments that suit the characters and show how much they‘ve grown (or “evolved” might be more appropriate here) over the books. A tiny bit sappy, but I think I loved that part too?
I'm so obsessed with this series that I read all 500 pages of The Evolution of Mara Dyer in a day & now I'm onto this one! It's gotten to the point where I don't want to do anything or go anywhere I just want to sit and read 😅🙊
I‘ve heard many mixed reviews on this one, saying it wasn‘t necessarily a good enough ending. I liked it enough.... I think. I‘m honestly not quite sure but I think I liked it and that‘s all I can ask for.
A very suspenseful and thrilling ending to an amazing trilogy. I would highly recommend this series to all.
"I love you. Today. Tonight. Tomorrow. Forever. If I were to live a thousand years, I would belong to you for all of them. If I were to live a thousand lives, I would want to make you mine in each one."
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SPOILERS! I enjoyed the first two books and seemed to fly through them, but third book just wasn't my cup of tea. I felt simultaneously that there were still too many loose ends and also that it wrapped up too nicely. The more Mara manifested her ability, the less I wanted to root for her happy ending. I wanted her to be stronger, more selfless. The premise of the abilities was intriguing, but I still had lots of questions that went unanswered.⭐⭐
"Names?' the receptionist asked us
“Jesus,” Jamie answered.
“Mary,” said Stella.
“Satan,” I said as I walked past her and pushed open the door to Ira Ginsberg‘s office.
-Michelle Hodkin
#themaradyertrilogy #bookworm #theretributionofmaradyer #books #read #love #Michellehodkin
I LOVED this series. So dark and twisty. I heard the author is continuing on with the series. The Shaw Confessions will be the start of it, being told from Noah's pov.
I'm just starting this one and it's already fantastic. That first chapter started the book off SO WELL!!
I love the book and I love the ending. I was so sad when I got to the point when Noah turned the gun on himself because he is my favorite character. When he died for a split second, my heart couldn't take it. When Noah spoke French to Mara, OMG!
" The people we care about are always worth more to us than the people we don't. No matter what anyone pretends."
Almost done with the last book in this series. Not what I thought it was going to be about but overall not so bad of a series