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The Wolf Wants in
The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
21 posts | 17 read | 21 to read
"Still reeling from her older brother's death, Sadie is looking for answers. It isn't unusual for someone to die young in Cutler county--there have been so many overdoses in recent years that an article in the Kansas City Star bemoaned the decimation of the next generation of farmers. But Sadie's brother wasn't an addict. And though his wife who found him said it was a heart attack, he was only thirty-six years old and has never had any health problems. Was it possible her brother didn't die from natural causes? Another tragedy has also recently struck the small Kansas county--Roger Calhoun and his young daughter Macey have been missing for months. In a town where everyone knows each other's business, the bitterness of the Calhoun's divorce and ensuing custody battle was public knowledge, and when the young girl's skull is identified in the woods, along with the bones of her father nearby, her mother, a notorious addict and an old friend of Sadie's, becomes a prime suspect. Meanwhile, Henley, a recent high-school graduate, is desperate to leave town and escape the shadow of her family's trouble-maker reputation and harsh poverty. Henley dreams of a bigger world and a better life outside of Kansas. As she plots her departure, she begins dating the son of the wealthiest man in town. Henley is drawn to the idea of a rich, easy life, but the boy starts to get aggressive and suffocating--showing up at her home with hardly a moment's notice, not letting her spend any time alone, and stalking her every move" --
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The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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I just recently bought July #bookspin and can't wait to start. 20 pages left in June's pick, The Whistling Season. I love Doig❣️


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
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The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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An easy read with an interesting two person narrative. You‘ll want to skip ahead to see how it ends, but try not to... it‘s worth the wait.

Nute Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂 5y
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The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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Maybe it was just overhyped for me, but this one didn‘t feel like one of the best of the year to me, despite the high praise it‘s getting. It‘s fine, I‘ve just read a lot more interesting stuff.

marleed I agree. 5y
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The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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My hold for this finally came through to see it made some end of year best of lists. Enjoying it so far.

The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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I absolutely enjoy McHugh‘s writing style! Though billed as a mystery, I thought of it more as a study of a small, struggling town that faces addiction everywhere. Told in alternating viewpoints, the narrative included grief, family, death, and just a tiny bit of mystery. Great book!

TorieStorieS I really enjoyed this one too!! ☺️ 5y
Cinfhen Sounds good!! 5y
ferskner She has yet to disappoint! 5y
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The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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I really enjoyed this novel about two women, Sadie and Henley. Told in alternating chapters, The Wolf Wants In is heartbreaking yet hopeful. Although it‘s marketed as a mystery, it covers topics such as family, addiction, the choices we make, and small-town life.

At times, I did find myself getting the 2 main characters mixed up and what month/time it was.

The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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Two POVs convinced me that life in fictional, rural Blackwater, KS is mired in death, grief, addiction, deceit, depression, and hopelessness. I think we were introduced to every character in this small town and it made my head spin trying to keep track of who was who. It came together in the end in an interesting way, but it was just too many characters and directions to pack into 272 pages.

The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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I enjoyed this book even though it wasn‘t necessarily the thriller I expected. It was more of a murder mystery that had a a lot of complex relationships within a small town. I initially had a hard time figuring out the timeline and different perspectives the story was told from. Of course it all came together very nicely in the end. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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took me awhile to finish this one (because life!), but it was worth the wait!

The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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New book excitement! #libraryhaul

heidisreads It‘s so good! 5y
Librarybelle Very good to know, @heidisreads ! 😁 5y
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The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh

Loved it! A slow burn until it ignites toward the end. Started it around 2 and finished it around 11. Don't miss it!

The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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Henley Petit is only eighteen but she knows more than she should about the seedy
Side of Blackwater and she becomes determined to leave before she becomes entangled in her families crimes. She wants to disappear and leave her old life behind. But shedding the past is never easy, and getting out of town will be far more dangerous than she ever imagined.

The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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This was a granted wish on Netgalley and I am so glad to have read it. This is slower paced, but done very well. Reader beware: this is on the darker side, but not TOO dark, so you might want to be in the right headspace first to ensure you are able to enjoy it!

Read my review here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2730811020

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The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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Just finished this. Here is the link to my gr review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2801699437

The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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McHugh has a talent for portraying small, dying Midwestern towns as grim and a bit sinister, while capturing the humanity of the people who live there. The story felt a bit tepid, though and the suspense could have been been turned up a notch or two in the first 2/3, but not bad overall.
#librarything #earlyreviewers

Amie The descriptions of a small town/rural/farming community felt authentic to me, as someone who grew up in that type of community (except using the terms grain bin and silo interchangeably - those are two different things in my lexicon) 5y
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The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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I‘m 105 pages in and already hooked.

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The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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I couldn‘t put this one down and read it in virtually one sitting yesterday! It‘s McHugh‘s third book and I think my favorite! Set in a small #Kansas town, this is a mystery involving family, secrets and the persistence of one sister in uncovering the truth of her brother‘s death. Thanks, #NetGalley!

The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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Came home to this #arc

Now if only life would stop getting in the way so I can spend some time reading.

The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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Happy Thursday Friends! Hope everyone‘s week is going well. I‘m looking forward to starting The Wolf Wants In @lauramchughauthor @randomhouse I just love Laura‘s books! #thewolfwantsin #lovethisauthor 🍍🍓 Instagram at castrojeannette

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The Wolf Wants in | Laura McHugh
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I'm a huge fan of McHugh's gothic mysteries and family secrets!
Thanks to Random House for sending me an ARC to review of her upcoming novel THE WOLF WANTS IN, scheduled for publication in August.

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