Today s lunch : a run to the post office, slight hypoglycemia so i stopped on my way back for food, luckily i always carry my book for company
Today s lunch : a run to the post office, slight hypoglycemia so i stopped on my way back for food, luckily i always carry my book for company
What has kept me thinking about this series all this time was Deryn's determined character and curiosity about what would happen when her secret was revealed. In this book, we finally get the answer to that question, and it's both a bit anticlimactic and a bit satisfying. The entire book is kind of like that. Some of it still was too slow for me, and yet, at the end I was happy with where the story went overall.
And here's some terrible snaps of Samson and Goliath, taken from the train in Belfast. They've been around since before I was born and are a fixture of the Belfast skyline.
Harland and Wolf (h & w) were the company that built the Titanic (but obviously not with these cranes).
The third book continued on in the delightful and fun vein of the first two. The characters were just as rich and charming as before. The world build in this series is so fantastic and unique, I truly love it. My only quibble is that I feel the ending was a wee bit rushed in the final chapters and not quite as climactic and dynamic as in the first two books. Still absolutely loved this!