This is the book that got me back into reading when I randomly saw it in a Dollar Tree many years ago. One of the best dollars I've ever spent.
This is the book that got me back into reading when I randomly saw it in a Dollar Tree many years ago. One of the best dollars I've ever spent.
I've been telling myself that I want to read more parenting books because I'm just winging it, all the time... Every day of The Kid's life. 🤣🤣🤣 Also, I'm a fan of memoirs so this seems like a good one to try.
#twentyone #21 #NovemberByTheNumbers
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
I love this book. It‘s the third time I‘ve read it over the last few years. Most of the stories will make you laugh out loud, with one that will definitely cause a few tears. I first read this before I was a mom, but I can
definitely relate to these stories now. 4 🌟🌟🌟🌟
(I am very behind on my challenge due to not even being able to look at a book during my 1st trimester. Still optimistic about getting close to 50 before the end of the year!)
Decided I needed something funny, so I‘m doing a re-read of this very funny memoir. Definitely recommend to anyone who needs a laugh (and it has some poignant moments thrown in there too).
I think this was a more relatable view of parenthood and he had two healthy ones with one premature so he saw two different types of beginnings. Parents are human with flaws after all
#augustphotochallenge This is the funniest audiobook I've listened to. It was also a big hit with our book club. FYI : listening to funny audiobooks in public can get you a lot of strange looks!😂😂😂 #funnybooks @TheSpinecrackersBookClub
Really looking forward to discussing this one at Book Club tonight. Everyone seemed to really love it so should be fun reliving the funniest moments.
Don't be put off by the sad/scary opening - this book is very hilarious. If you listen to the audiobook while walking, as I did, you do run the risk of a few strange looks as you laugh like a crazy person. You might also pull a muscle. Oh, my sides! If you have kids, you will definitely get this.
Listening to the audiobook on my walks and getting some strange looks because, LAUGHING LIKE A LUNATIC!