When are we gonna go sit and read, Mom? 😊❤️🐶 #happyweekend #amreading
When are we gonna go sit and read, Mom? 😊❤️🐶 #happyweekend #amreading
Time Slip × YA
"You can't just love a legacy. You can't let one thing - one talent, one person, one particular way of life - stop you from loving other things too." Pg 235
I really enjoyed this book and double narrative shared from both a current day teen and her great-grandmother who are both tight rope walkers.
I think it should go without saying Victoria's story was my favorite, and I was sobbing by the end of this book. I absolutely loved this book. Victoria flees to the circus searching for an escape away from her ugly past, but instead finds a home. Years later her granddaughter finds herself out place wishing she was still starring in the circus any circus really!! Mementos left behind from her grandmother are her unsual guide to her new life. 5/5
But despite that, or perhaps because of it, the circus goes on, because joy trumps tragedy every time. Loss is absorbed and stored in the heart, and the lights come up and the show goes on.
4/5🌟 Out July 19th
A wonderful #YA multi-generational story about growing up and finding where belong. I loved the strong female characters. Both the narration of Victoria and Callie were excellently executed. I particularly fell for Victoria. Her chapters were very atmospheric. She had a very nostalgic quality to her voice. The story is beautiful crafted. This is another book labeled YA but I think readers of all ages could enjoy. #bookreview